Tutoring arrangements for next year ?
Many parents have been asking what they need to do now to make sure their child has a tutoring spot for next year. Well, you don’t have to do anything…
We keep all times and days the same as this year. Mid January next year we will email you to confirm these details. If you wish to make any changes, then just let us know and we will update your child’s enrolment details.

Christine Hawkins
Owner KMEC Hunter
Our last tutoring session this year is on Saturday 16th Dec, and even though end of year exams may have been completed and some schools are finishing up for the year, learning at Kip McGrath continues up until this date. Now is an ideal time, particularly for high school students, to focus on filling the gaps in their knowledge more rapidly. More time can be spent on these areas now we don’t have as much work from school to deal with. If you have any questions on the end of 2017 or beginning of 2018 just give us a call or an email.