Brighter Futures – March 2021

By March 1, 2021Newsletters

Choosing The Right School

I would like to share a story with you. It’s the story of how I chose the school for my own children; it may help those of you who are less than satisfied with your child’s current school.

My son started school in 1998. I chose the local public school because it was close to where I lived and I hadn’t heard any horror stories about it.

Christine Hawkins
Owner KMEC Hunter

However, after a short time, he started to not want to go anymore. As a new mum, I didn’t think much about it and thought “It must be a boy thing” because I loved going to school.

During this time a workmate of my husband’s told him about a school he knew that taught kids a bit differently. As a teacher, I was intrigued to find out more so I started Googling.

I found a school in Maitland called Linuwel, which taught this way, and they had space for my son to enrol. Both my son and my daughter enjoyed going to Linuwel. The school only took students to Year 10 so they then transferred to St. Mary’s to complete their HSC.

They both did quite well, my daughter went onto Uni to complete a Science Degree and my son owns his own business, teaching children to swim.

The message I hope this story tells is that there are alternatives out there for children who are not happy at school.

Amazing Animal Facts

Octopuses have three hearts.

Male, and not the female, seahorses give birth to the young ones.

The lioness does 90% of the hunting while the lion steps in only when required.

Lobsters pee from their faces and turtles can breathe through their bottoms.

A woodpecker can peck 20 times in 1 second.

Humming birds are the smallest birds – so tiny that one of their enemies is an insect, the praying mantis.

Sea Otters hold hands while they’re sleeping so they don’t drift apart.

Teacher’s Tips

Monthly Joke

Word Search

Student of the Month

Award for Outstanding Improvement in Maths

We have been impressed with Kirsten’s growth in confidence in Maths since starting tutoring at Kip McGrath. This has allowed her to reach her goals and we are delighted.

Nadine – Kirsten’s Mum

Child Made Snack

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