Online Tutoring – What is it?
Kip Online allows your child to connect with a tutor from home. It’s live, interactive, face-to-face tutoring via your computer screen. The programme mirrors all the qualities, teaching experience and success of our in-centre tutoring with the added benefits of comfort and convenience.
- It is perfect for busy families who have sport, dance and other activities outside of school to attend. It saves another trip out in the evenings, particularly on those cold and wet, wintery ones.

Christine Hawkins
Owner KMEC Hunter
- It’ great for parents who may work late or do shift-work so there is no need to organise someone else to do drop offs and pick ups from the centre.
- It is ideal for families who have to travel long distances to reach the centre.
- It also works well for students who have social or emotional challenges, which makes them feel overly anxious or uncomfortable in the centre.

A way to try online might be to book your child’s next make-up lesson as an online lesson. This is a good option if coming into the centre another night is difficult. Please note: online is different to @home lessons as the @home lesson does not have the tutor there live and in real-time.
Fun Facts About Computers
- The first electronic computer ENIAC (‘Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer’) was built in 1943 in America. It weighed more than 27 tons and was the size of a large room.
- ENIAC took 70 hours to work out pi (π) to 2000 decimal places. A modern computer can work out a million decimal places of pi in about ten seconds.
- TYPEWRITER is the longest word that you can write using the letters on the top row of the keyboard of your computer.
- An average person normally blinks 20 times a minute, but when using a computer they blink only 7 times a minute.
- Google, Apple, Disney and Kip McGrath have one very interesting thing in common – they were all started in a garage.