Brighter Futures – October 2021

By September 13, 2021Newsletters

How to Memorise Facts

There are sure-fire methods of ensuring that you can memorize facts, something that students in particular very much rely on, according to cognitive psychologists.

Many teachers already recommend studying up to three nights before an exam or major test, and science agrees with them.Experts say that most people tend to underestimate the number of times they will need to revise something before it actually sticks, with five to seven times being the number recommended by those in the know.

Christine Hawkins
Owner KMEC Hunter

However, it is a bad idea to constantly go over the same bits of the textbook during one study session.

It is a good idea to break up study sessions into smaller sections and different topics; variety is important to avoid overkill and burnout on any one subject, but some downtime is also essential to make sure the same does not happen with study in general.

Taking regular quizzes is another excellent method for helping students to retain information.

Nutrition Tips for a Healthy Brain

The brain is like every other part of your body – needing proper exercise and nutrients in order to continue functioning at the optimum level. Junk food has just as adverse an effect on cognitive function and brainpower as it does on other areas of our bodies. Around twenty to thirty percent of all the calories we consume are made use of by the brain, meaning it is a very good idea to feed it with the highest quality nutrients.

Physical and mental health can both be improved by a diet that consists of foods that are nutrient dense such as leafy greens like spinach and kale, as well as other forms of similar vegetables. These vegetables help to battle disease by boosting the immune system, while deep water fish like salmon and tuna feature anti-inflammatory properties and essential omega-3 fatty acids that are vital for proper brain function.

Award for Outstanding
Improvement in English

Ben is enthusiastic and enjoys learning. We are really happy with the progress that he has made with Kip McGrath.

Jayne – Benjamin’s Mum