
Fun Challenges

Monthly Joke

By | Fun Challenges

Doing Their Homework!
When Dad came home he was astonished to see his daughter, Victoria, sitting on a horse, writing something.
‘What on earth are you doing there?’ he asked.
‘Well, the teacher told us to write a story on our favourite animal’, answered Victoria. ‘That’s why I’m here and that’s why Sara’s sitting in the goldfish bowl.’

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Five Curious Facts

By | Fun Challenges

1. It is impossible to lick your elbow.
2. Apples float in water but pears don’t.
3. Lemons contain more sugar than strawberries.
Kid-w-big-glasses4. 76.5% of people who read fact number 1 tried to lick their elbow.
5. The name of all the continents in the world end with the same letter that they start with, if you ignore the words ‘North’ and ‘South’: Asia, Africa, Europe, Australia, Antarctica, North America and South America.

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Monthly Joke

By | Fun Challenges

The school holidays were over and Jack returned to his school. Only two days later his teacher phoned his mother to tell her that Jack was misbehaving. ‘Wait a minute,’ mother said. ‘I had Jack with me for six weeks and I never called you once when he misbehaved.’

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Holiday Fun Challenge

By | Fun Challenges

Are the kids bored at home already ?
What if they had something to do each day during the holidays ?
Maybe even where they can compete with others for a prize ?
Well here is something you may be interested in…
Each day in January we will post a new challenge on our facebook page:
Do as many as you can – $50 Gift Card for the most done!
The challenges are things like:
‘Shape Challenge’ – you post a photo of an item shaped like a heart, or
‘I Spy Challenge’ – where we post a photo and ask you to find things beginning with the letter ‘b’
When you do a challenge make sure you post a comment on our Facebook page.
And if you do any new posts of your own, use the hashtag #JanHolidayFun to keep them together with ours.
Whoever has the most correct comments will win a $50 gift card from any store of your choosing.
Have fun and good luck !!

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