Our recent parent survey showed many parents want to stay online for the convenience and the results their children are getting, while other parents are keen to get back to in-centre lessons. As a result, we will boost the number of tutors doing online lessons and bring back in-centre lessons early Term 3.
As we are a business, not a school, there are COVID-19 restrictions we must follow. So while restrictions of social distancing remain in place, the following conditions will need to be adhered to for our in-centre lessons to run. (Our highest priority is the safety and well being of students, tutors and parents.)

Christine Hawkins
Owner KMEC Hunter
1. Do not send your child to an in-centre lesson if they are showing any signs of illness.
2. 1.5-metre distancing must be maintained at all times. With only one entry/exit and small waiting areas, we cannot meet this requirement at session changeover times. We therefore ask that parents do not enter the centre while this restriction is in place. Any communication to your centre manager or tutor is to be done via text or phone call.

3. Our online program will be used to deliver our in-centre lessons.
4. Lessons will be for one hour.
5. Lessons start times will be at 4:00pm, 5:15pm and 6:30pm.
We plan to start returning to in-centre lessons Week 3 of Term 3. We chose week 3 because it is over 14 days from the end of the school holidays. This would take into account any outbreaks during the holidays. The return will be done in stages. In Stage 1 we will open one day per week to in-centre lessons. You will receive an invitation email at the beginning of Term 3 and priority will be given to:
- Students who have not been able to do online tutoring since COVID-19 first appeared, due to lack of Internet or other technical issues.
- Students who are struggling with the online format due to the type of activities they have to do.
- Students whose parents have nominated the opening day in their survey.
Stage 2: After 2 weeks of running in-centre lessons one day per week, we will review what happened and make a decision on opening more days over the following weeks. If you would like to ask any questions to clarify our plans, please call your centre manager using the contact details below.