As the first term of school starts, I would like to talk about homework. I can hear the collective groan of dread from all children and parents everywhere. Homework is not liked by many. The main reason for this may be that it is too hard. Something is taught at school, which a student may not fully understand, then they are required to do extra work on it at home by themselves. The teaching then falls on the shoulders of parents. Understandably, you may not know how to help. Even if you do, most, if not all children, do not want to listen to their parents teaching them at home.
So, how can we help change this situation?

Christine Hawkins
Owner KMEC Hunter
Yes, one solution is to send them to us, but Kip McGrath is not a place for children to do their homework. To catch them back up to their classmates we need to focus mainly on filling their knowledge gaps. However, if the homework is on one concept, for example division, we can teach them how to do a few and they can finish the rest at home.

If homework is consistently too hard, I would definitely speak to your child’s teacher and discuss a solution. Fighting over homework is no good for anyone. It will only be beneficial to do, if the homework is something the child understands.
Creating a homework routine may also help. Pick the time and the place that works best for your family and agree on this together. Make the sessions short (10-15 minutes) and reward your child with something they enjoy when they have finished.
Depending on your child’s age, there may need to be a number of these sessions to complete their homework. The best learning happens if you remember the motto: “Do a little, often”.