This month I thought I might answer a question I am asked sometimes: “My child is improving at tutoring but they are not getting improved results at school. Why is that?”
At school your child is tested on the topics they are covering throughout the year. If your child is behind, they may not understand these topics and hence perform poorly. We have to close any knowledge gaps before your child can keep up with the rest of the class.

Christine Hawkins
Owner KMEC Hunter

At Kip McGrath your child is taught at their level of ability and understanding so that they score consistently 70-75% or higher. This ensures they feel successful and motivated to keep trying. We work at the pace of your child’s learning, closing their knowledge gaps as we go. When the gap becomes small enough school results will improve.
I know it can be disheartening when children do a test at school and don’t score the 70-75% or higher they are use to scoring at tutoring. Explain to them that the schoolwork is at a higher level at the moment, but if they continue working at their level, they will reach this higher level.
Your tutor will update you as often as you want, all you need to do is either pop in after your child’s lesson or send them a text and ask. We will formally test students at the end of every level, which usually takes around 6 months. If you don’t have your tutor’s phone number, please contact Sarah via email or text and she will send them to you. Sarah’s number is 0490215967 and her email is