November’s Student of the Month: Macy – Year 3 English

November 2020 - Macy

Award for Outstanding Improvement in English

Macy (8yrs) has been struggling with her English, reading, spelling and writing skills since she was in kindergarten.

Since starting Kip McGrath with Juli at the beginning of the year Macy has improved her reading age by 7months. We continue to see so many improvements with Macy as the weeks go on.

Macy’s confidence has improved greatly and we love watching the sense of achievement she feels after her lesson’s. She will now happily pick up a book, sit down and confidently start reading.

We could not be any more impressed with the support Kip McGrath and Juli have shown to both Macy and ourselves. Thank you for continuing to support and encourage Macy with her learning.

Sean – Macy’s Dad