Surprisingly Easy Health Tips

By December 11, 2015Tasty Treats

There are some tips regarding health that are so easy and simple they may seem rather silly, yet they are all true!

If you eat spinach and eggs on a regular basis, your reflex actions will be much improved, while pineapple juice is surprisingly good for treating an irritating and persistent cough due to the fact that the juice contains Bromelain, which eliminates bacteria.

If you enjoy a cup of coffee, make sure you have a little sip of water afterwards, as this helps to prevent tooth decay. One of the most unusual health tips is to sing in the bathroom as, apparently, people who do this tend to have lower stress levels, healthier blood pressure levels, and a stronger immune system.

Whatever else you eat for breakfast, be sure to have a banana. Fruit puts you in a better mood and frame of mind for the day ahead, experts claim.

Orange Pineapple Banana